The Purge: 4 Simple Steps to Clean Out Your Closet and Discover Your Unique Style

Ladies, it's time to PURGE - and we promise it’s not as scary as the movie!
It’s Spooky Season y’all.
The dark hole that is my closet is creeping and crawling with trends from seasons past and denim sizes from pre-pandemic times. As we are spending more hours at home I feel what I put on everyday dictates my energy and impacts my mood.
Getting up and showing up for yourself is SO IMPORTANT, especially during 2020 when we all could use a pick-me-up.
We are all different and that is what makes us each so beautiful. Here at Beloved, we want help you focus on getting rid of anything that makes you feel less than who we know you are. What is holding you back from cleaning out your closet? “I will have nothing to wear!” In a time when putting on anything more than yoga pants is considered “getting dressed” we have to accept that this is the perfect time to do the purge.
Here’s 4 steps that will help you purge your closet successfully and get you ready to freshen up your style just in time for the holidays!
There's only 1 rule and it's straight from our girl Marie Kondo: “Does it spark joy?"
Since most of us won't be spending our Halloween weekend trick or treating, we dare you to do your purge now so your closet doesn't turn into the Nightmare Before Christmas...
No tricks, just treats! Here are our 4-simple steps to get your purge on:
01 // Carve out Time
Carve out the time to accomplish the task, start to finish. Set a timer, throw on the Sanderson sisters and be inspired to suck the life out of all your unworn clothing.
02 // Face the Monsters in your closet
Get it ALL out. If you take ALL of your clothes out from your closet you will have to go through them ALL. The Tower of Terror may skip a floor, but we aren't skipping out on pieces in this step! When you put your “keep” pieces back into your closet, ALL your remaining pieces will be ones that spark joy!
03 // Dawn Your Sorting Hat
Alright Hermione, here are your piles:
- Keep
- Sell/Donate
- Trash
Let your mind be enchanted with quick decision making and trust your initial reaction to the clothes - don't overthink this one.
04 // Snap, Snap, You’re Almost Done!
Now that the only pile you have left is full of items that make you feel as confident as Morticia Addams, let's store for the seasons.
Seasonal storage depends on where you live. Think about each piece and how you wear/layer it through the year.
This step also allows you to edit one more time. At this point you will be snapping your fingers after every purged item because GIRL it feels good to let go!
Don’t be a scaredy cat, skip the Edwards Scissorhands hack job you were about to do on your hair and direct your energy towards Ghostbusting your closet!
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